15th Annual Workshop of
The Australasian Language Technology Association

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

6th - 8th December 2017

Information for Presenters

Oral Presentation

Presenters should introduce themselves to the session chair during the breaks and familiarise themselves with the presentation system, including checking their presentation at least 15 minutes before the session commences. Presenters may use their own laptop computer to plug to the presentation system (through VGA, HDMI or Thunderbolt) or use the resident computer (running Windows).

Long Paper Track

The oral presentation for long papers will be 15 minutes in duration plus 5 minutes for questions.

Short Paper Track and Shared Tasks

The oral presentation for short papers and shared tasks will be 5 minutes in duration plus 5 minutes for questions.

Abstract-based Presentation Track

The oral presentation will be 15 minutes in duration plus 5 minutes for questions.

Poster Presentation

Both long and short papers as well as the shared tasks will also be presented at the Poster Session on the second day of the conference.

Poster Setup

Posters will be presented electronically using large flat-screen monitors. Posters are best prepared in landscape format. A small number of spaces are also available for physical A1 posters.